Pub. 1 2020 Issue 3 In Touch 16 FDIC EXPECTATIONS ON AG LENDING BY MICHAEL HOLDREN, IRON COMPS BY TRACTOR ZOOM I n January, the FDIC released a Financial Institution Letter (FIL) titled “Prudent Management of Agricultural Lending During Economic Cycles.” You can find the FIL here. It’s no surprise that the continued pressures facing the agricultural economy are worthy of regulatory concern and rightfully so. Farm incomes have stabilized in recent years but remain well below the averages over the last decade with many farmers struggling to continue their operations. One might even suggest, we have fallen into a new normal. This isn’t the first time the FDIC has issued guidance on Agricultural Lending, in fact, this FIL replaces and rescinds FIL-39-2014, Prudent Management of Agricultural Credits Through Economic Cycles, dated July 16, 2014, which replaced a similar FIL from 2010, you get the point. During my time in banking, I always approached these publications as an expectation for the next 12-24 month examination cycle. From that perspective, its important to know what new information the FDIC is communicating with the updated FIL. For the most part, when comparing the 2014 and 2020 FIL’s side by side, much of the information is the same apart from a few additional paragraphs in the most recent publication. First, the FDIC added the following language. “…cash flow margins for agricultural borrowers have become increasingly pressured by changes in supply and demand factors, poor weather conditions and agricultural policy factors. Row crop operating expenses have risen while soybean, corn and wheat prices have fallen. Livestock sectors have also been challenged, especially dairy farming and cattle feeding. Farm working capital levels have deteriorated, debt balances have increased, and debt repayment capacity has constricted.” “Despite the difficult agricultural environment, farm real estate and equipment values have remained fairly resilient. Restructuring carry-over debt has been a reasonable approach for borrowers with strong equity positions. However, given strained cash flow, debt service has been challenging for borrowers with even moderate levels of term indebtedness. As headwinds facing the agricultural economy persist, insured institutions must be prepared for agricultural borrowers to face financial challenges by employing appropriate governance, risk management, underwriting and credit administration practices.” The FDIC didn’t go out on a limb here. They acknowledged what we all know, cash flows are break even and the solution for shortfalls has largely been to restructure against existing equity positions, particularly real estate. However, I would draw your attention to the last sentence which, from my perspective, provides a caveat into what the FDIC is expecting on a go forward basis. The FDIC is looking for a structured, long-term approach to troubled relationships. Consider the following paragraph from the FIL. “Managing risk over the life of a loan includes: carefully documenting all lien perfections and other loan instruments; closely overseeing sale proceeds; conducting timely, independent collateral inspections; and developing a process for monitoring collateral values. A continuous credit grading program can help management identify credit risk early and take preemptive steps to prevent CBA Associate Member